Have a Question?

Here we have provided a list of some of the more frequently asked questions. If the question you have isn't listed below, contact us today and one of our staff will be happy to assist with your enquiry. 

What does ATS do?

ATS was formed to provide quality maintenance training to the aviation industry both in Australia and throughout South East Asia. ATS delivers training over the entire range of industry requirements, from pre-apprenticeship to Licensed Aircraft maintenance Engineers (LAMEs). Further ATS provides training support via consultancy in a wide range of areas.

What makes ATS different from other training organisations?

ATS is proud of being unique within the Australian aviation industry with respects to its philosophy regarding aviation training. ATS is devoted to growing LAMEs from the ground up and so invests heavily in youth pre-apprenticeship training. ATS has a policy of following the careers of its students and offering further training as the need arises. This policy is carried through to all ATS clients, with senior staff making frequent contact with clients to gauge training needs and course satisfaction. ATS believes in providing the client with the training they require with minimum disruption to their busy work schedules.

Where are the ATS facilities?

ATS is situated on the beautiful south coast of New South Wales, Australia. The main facility is located at 114 Albatross Rd, Nowra 2541. ATS has other Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) approved training facilities throughout Australia.

Are the types courses recognised by CASA?

Yes, all types courses offered by ATS are approved by CASA and all instructors hold a current CASA approved examiners authority.

Is ATS able to deliver all categories of types courses?

Yes, ATS has instructors training mechanical, electrical, instrument and radio categories.

Can ATS deliver training at my facilities?

Yes, ATS trainers are happy to travel to a client's preferred training location. It must be understood however that CASA has strict guidelines regarding training facilities and client facilities must reach these standards before ATS can perform training at the preferred location. Security issues may also be involved when determining training locations.

Can ATS develop a training course for my new aircraft?

Yes, ATS has qualified development personnel who are able to create quality training for any aircraft type, provided suitable aircraft information is available.

Are aircraft differences courses available?

Yes, ATS has several differences courses such as the AlliedSignal TFE731 and the Rolls Royce BR715/710. Other differences courses may be developed according to client needs.

What is the duration of a normal types course?

The duration of a course varies depending on the type of course under instruction. Generally however the duration times are as follows: airframe - 3 weeks; engine - 2 weeks; radio - 1 week; Familiarisation - 3 days; differences - 1 day.

What is an RPL?

An RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) is a method of obtaining recognition for learning and experience you have obtained throughout your working career regardless of whether this was through formal or informal pathways. An RPL is related to a specific qualification, such as a Diploma of Aeroskills or a Certificate III in Aviation. The result of an RPL shows how much of the qualification requirements a candidate already holds and how much is still required to be undertaken. In some circumstances an entire qualification can be obtained through the RPL process. 

What is the ATS RPL process?

The ATS RPL process is conducted in two stages

Stage 1:

The candidate contacts ATS Administration and requests an RPL pack. Once received the candidate completes the enrolment form and the RPL application form. Every student must also provide ATS with their official USI (Unique Student Identifier). This is required by law and is explained in the information pack. 

As well as completing the ATS forms, each candidate must provide relevant evidence relating to the qualification they are seeking. An information sheet is available on the ATS website which explains the various types of acceptable evidence.  

The completed forms and the evidence must be sent to ATS Administration for processing.  

Stage 2:

The candidate's application and evidence will be processed and an interim report completed. Students will be notified of the result of the RPL assessment once payment has been received. The result will indicate what further evidence is required to obtain the full qualification. 

Candidates who have not provided acceptable evidence of practical experience for the qualification will need to complete an ATS self-assessment. This document allows the candidate to provide practical evidence in a simple and logical way. Details of how to complete the self-assessment is available on the ATS website. The self-assessment is NOT an industry log and is used for RPL assessment only. Students who require practical evidence as part of their studies must complete a recognized industry journal.

Candidates may submit additional practical or theory evidence, including the completed self-assessment form, up to one (1) calendar week after the issue of their RPL report. After this time further costs will be incurred.

Who determines how an RPL is processed?

In the Australian aviation industry there are two bodies that determine the requirements of the RPL process. These are:

    • Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA), and the
    • Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)

CASA is the body that issues aircraft maintenance engineering licences and is therefore the primary regulating body. According to the CASA Manual of Standards, an RPL assessment must ensure the candidate has sufficient and current evidence to show the following:

    •  The candidate has studied and passed all the modules detailed in the CASA Part 66 Manual of Standards Appendix 1 for the licence category required.
    • The candidate has passed theory examinations at or over a pass mark of 75%.
    • The candidate has current practical aircraft maintenance evidence for the following durations:
      • Category A Licence:                       2 years
      • Category B1.2 or B1.4 Licence:        3 years
      • Category B1.1, B1.3 or B2 Licence:   4 years 
    • At least 12 months of the above durations must have been accumulated immediately prior to the CASA licence application.

ASQA is the body that oversees the issuing of National Training Package qualifications. ASQA cannot issue an aircraft maintenance licence. According to ASQA standards, an RPL process must ensure the candidate has sufficient, reliable, valid and current evidence for each unit of competency within the required training package qualification. 

When there is disagreement between the requirements of CASA and ASQA, the requirements of CASA will be upheld.

What does the ATS RPL report look like?

The ATS RPL report has two sections:

    • The results of the RPL; and
    • The evidence provided and the credits received

The first (results) section provides the candidate with the following information:

    • The qualification against which the RPL was assessed.
    • The units of competency for the qualification and their RPL status (required, pending or removed).
    • The CASA theory modules required to be studied to obtain a full qualification.
    • Any other modules that must be studied to satisf the national training package qualification.  

The second (evidence and credits) section provides the following information:

    • The evidence provided by the student.
    • The CASA modules removed by the evidence.
    • Information relating to the RPL process. 
Why have I received a Training Plan with my RPL results?

Every RPL candidate receives the following documents as part of their RPL process:

    • An RPL report (hardcopy and digital copy if requested).
    • A proposed training plan (hardcopy).
    • A current quote for the proposed training. 

Some students may obtain a full qualification through the RPL process and therefore will receive a relevant testamur and an academic transcript in addition to the other documents shown above.

The purpose of the proposed training plan is to advise students of the training and assessment required to obtain the desired qualification through ATS. 

Can I do Theory and Practical studies at ATS?

Theory training can be delivered online at any time or in-class depending on student numbers and availability of instructors. 

the availability of practical training is course specific. At present, practical trade training is available for most trade modules and some types courses. Please note however, preference is given to ATS theory students when applying for positions on practical training programs.  

Apprenticeships Training|CASA Part 66 Licence|HSC Training|